Affiliate Disclosure

BoracayCompass is part of several affiliate networks. This means that some of the companies whose websites we link to pay us referral commissions when you buy something from them. These links help us pay for the costs of running this website, and it supports future development.

We never link to, endorse or recommend products and services solely for financial gain. We only recommend products and services that we feel provide great value to you.

That said, we greatly appreciate it when you choose to use our links to make a purchase, since this supports future development.

We love Boracay and our number one goal is to make your experience in Boracay one to never forget, by guiding you to the best of what the island has to offer.

Some of the affiliate networks that we have partnered with are Agoda and Klook.

If you have any questions regarding this affiliate disclosure, please contact us here.